Thursday, 19 September 2019

Equifeel (1)

Remember the Parelli games, which were showcased on Horse & Country TV? Now we have Equifeel, the French version; apparently initiated by Andy Booth in France. This discipline, which is basically playing with your horse online or at liberty with obstacles, is becoming popular in France and the FFE, Federation Francaise d'Equitation, has officialised it and established rules for competitions which can be found on their website.

All you need is a basic knowledge of how to play the 7 games, a horse, and some equipment (tarp, cones or markers, poles, something to make a small jump; and the usual kit, halter and 4m and 7m ropes, a stick if you use one, carrot or dressage).

And if like me, you don't have transport, there's no excuse for not joining in because you can video yourself and enter online competitions through Equifeel-Partage.

So no excuse!

I went to observe a competition recently in the Dordogne, at Ecuries de la H.A. near Sainte Foy de Longas; here are a few photos:

Obstacles in the sand school

The tests

Transitions in the round pen

Tamzin and Voodoo, the eventual winners of two classes
Suitably inspired, I gave it a try at home; see next post!

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