Saturday, 31 December 2016

Year end summary 2016

It's been a good horsey year (if not so hot in many other respects...) with some great highlights - riding Lucie again after her years of lameness and being poneyed reluctantly from Seraphina; clinics, workshops and lessons with Denise O'Reilly, Susan Rainbird and Jo Bates; spectating the Pat Parelli Masterclass in the UK... Sad moments too, losing my dear friend Jakki Cunningham of the Sete-Lorient-London (White Horses) charity, to cancer in October, after staying with her in the Camargue in January for the Salon du Cheval at Avignon... where Lorenzo thrilled us with his horsemanship in the evening gala... Rides with friends - Jennie Free, Helen & Ali Barnes-Short, and getting my husband Dan back in the saddle (and a couple of times out of it)...

So as we turn our backs on 2016....

... and ride off into the sunset of another year... 
I look forward to many more happy horsey moments in 2017. 

Happy healthy positive new year 2017!

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